Tuesday, 27 October 2015

The Rose Swallows' Rain-soaked Garden...

This small community only has a population of a few hundred people living in the town itself. The shire covers a large area and is made up of over a thousand. The last photograph is the Pingelly Memorial Rotunda and was built in 1923. It's original marble slab has the names of 71 men (from this district) enlisted in the Australian army that died  during active service in WWI. A second marble plaque has the names of  13 that died during WWII. My photographs have been taken on an arbor-covered path, leading to the rotunda. On the metal  plaques are the names of some of the women and young men from Pingelly that have enlisted and fought in other armed conflicts. It rained last night and the swallows were swooping around me as I took my steps across the neatly mowed lawn this morning. Someone once wrote...'there is nothing there'. The joy of the swallows cutting through the air like tiny fuel-loaded missiles and the masses of majenta roses told me otherwise. This is a fragment... a joyful, immortal fragment.

These photographs were taken on an old pocket-sized Kodak Easyshare V550. 28/10/2015.