"When Terry first opened, things were a bit slow to start..."
"Once he let the "plebs" in, business started picking up a bit."
"Who the hell is Terence Bogie?"
"He's one of those "chambre champagne bogans"...you know, one of those
"Faux Beaus"
These two photos were taken on the desert edge, outside Kalgoorlie in 1998, just over 100 years after the big gold rush at Broad Arrow. These were taken on a small Panasonic camera, using Kodak film, and I scanned the photographs. The second photograph is of the Broad Arrow Tavern, which is one of only a handful of remaining buildings that have survived in the ghost town - I think there are three left . During the gold rush, Broad Arrow grew to over 2000 prospectors and businesses. It had a couple of pubs, two blacksmiths and a fever hospital tent. The pub still has the ashes of dead men from the past and there are tragic tales of a lady who hung herself over a table in the main bar.