* I extracted this information from 'wikihow'.
-put on lid
-lay on side in full sun for 6 hours
-will kill most bacteria and parasites. and viruses.
-put 4 drops of bleach into a one litre jug of water (a quart).
-leave for 30 minutes before using.
-fill clay pot
-all0w to soak through and drip into bucket below
-this removes most bacteria
6. Iodine tablets for water sterilisation are available but taste terrible.
1. Strain
-strain debris and leaves through a soft cotton cloth or food strainer.2.Sterilize in the sun:
-fill a plastic bottle (one with a screw-n type lid)-put on lid
-lay on side in full sun for 6 hours
-will kill most bacteria and parasites. and viruses.
-strain water-put 4 drops of bleach into a one litre jug of water (a quart).
-leave for 30 minutes before using.
4.Drain through a clay pot
-rest clay pot over another container(large based pot over bucket of similar size will be less heavy as it is not rapid process)-fill clay pot
-all0w to soak through and drip into bucket below
-this removes most bacteria
5. Boil and cool all drinking water if possible.
6. Iodine tablets for water sterilisation are available but taste terrible.