Sunday, 1 October 2017

Emergency Food Choices when Little Money is Available.

1. Oatmeal porridge- is cheap and nutritionally loaded.

-you can add salt and butter.
-you can add (if you have them) milk, any fruits or honey, molasses,condensed milk.
-a small amount will sustain you for hours.
-can be eaten on its own if really necessary, in emergency situations, once cooked.
-can be used to make biscuits.

2. Rice or pasta- not so nutritionally loaded but

-you can add absolutely anything to it.
-it will ensure your food supply goes further.
-can be added to soups.

3. Popcorn

-Extremely cheap and just need heat to prepare
-can be eaten with salt, butter or sugar.

4. Freeze-dried peas or potatoes

-easy to transport and light-weight.

If sea water is used, dilute with one part sea water and two parts fresh water. If water is not clean, boil before adding food.

5. Seaweed chips

-cut flat seaweed into small pieces and sprinkle with oils and salt.
-grill or place over fire
-cool & eat when crunchy

6.Add sesame seed

-can be sprinkled on every dish or vegetable as a protein to give energy.

7. Remember that mushroom and coconut is a protein