Saturday, 19 November 2016

Deaths of divers in Australian waters - November 2016

It has suddenly occurred to me that the unprecedented number of diving deaths which have occurred in Australian waters in the past 3 days, should not to be merely brushed off as being a result of having 'underlying medical conditions'. Two more have been reported Garden Island (Perth) and in Tasmania. That explanation would be too simple. It would be too one-eyed if any intelligent person on earth accepted this.

We know that various highly toxic, venomous stingers (such as box jellyfish and blue-bottles) proliferate between October and May. However, the most glaring thing that is staring at us... right before our noses is ...the sea floors are moving. We have had massive regional earthquakes. The sea floors have risen. Volcanic activity is happening-at this very moment. This is not a time to be in the sea.  Ask anyone with Maori ancestors. Just remember the past, storms have carried clouds of butterflies between continents.