Thursday, 23 March 2017

Deborah's Fabulous Birdbath Series': A Twenty Eight parrot.

This little ring-necked parrot, a 'Twenty-Eight' has just discovered that the seeds on my young Tipu Tipuana tree taste quite nice. Also known as 'Pride of Bolivia', the tree produced only a single seed when it was six years old. This year, it's eighth year,  it has produced hundreds. They were so tasty, that the parrots would not move when I came outside for an evening cup of coffee.  Quietly, they sat, hiding amongst the leaves and I could hear little snipping noises as they clipped the seeds off the tree and split the round bean open,  while I took sips from my hot coffee. A magnificent, iridescent green, the 'Twenty-Eight' is a gorgeous, luminous bird with unforgettable feather colouring.