Thursday, 30 March 2017

Western Australian Wildlife: A Bobtail Lizard sunning itself on my porch.

A Bobtail Lizard suns itself in the late afternoon, on the warm paving near my back door.
photograph taken 30 March 2017 by dheborah

Bobtails usually move slowly so they aren't too conspicuous. This bobtail has only hissed at me a few times and will usually make small rustling noises if I am nearby, so I won't stand on it. If I am moving slowly around the garden, or working in one area, it will walk around quite close to me, if I haven't  disturbed it. However, if I stand and observe it for more than a few seconds, it makes a major position change. As soon as my back is turned, it disappears. At night, however, when it's really quiet, if I am sitting outside, the lizard will move across the dry leaves and mulch and watch me in the dark, under a nearby tree, moving occasionally. Because of their usual lack of speed, they are in danger of being run over by cars. Bobtails give birth to live young, unlike other lizards. Apparently, and this may explain the large holes which I have always blamed on millipedes, bobtails love strawberries.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Deborah's Fabulous Birdbath Series': A Twenty Eight parrot.

This little ring-necked parrot, a 'Twenty-Eight' has just discovered that the seeds on my young Tipu Tipuana tree taste quite nice. Also known as 'Pride of Bolivia', the tree produced only a single seed when it was six years old. This year, it's eighth year,  it has produced hundreds. They were so tasty, that the parrots would not move when I came outside for an evening cup of coffee.  Quietly, they sat, hiding amongst the leaves and I could hear little snipping noises as they clipped the seeds off the tree and split the round bean open,  while I took sips from my hot coffee. A magnificent, iridescent green, the 'Twenty-Eight' is a gorgeous, luminous bird with unforgettable feather colouring.

'Rainbird': Carnaby Cockatoos in Leda Reserve, Western Australia.

The critically endangered Carnaby cockatoos stop and recover after flying ahead of rain clouds, before feeding in their regular spots in the Leda Reserve. Thursday, 23rd of March 2017, Western Australia.

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

London Terror Attack

Just taking it easy at home. Photo by Thsu in SL.

Reuters reports that four people are dead and at least 20 injures in the attempted terrorist attack on Westminster Bridge, near the British Houses of Parliament. The English female Prime Minister (recently elected in July 2016) has been removed to safety. Her Majesty, the Queen of England, Elizabeth II has postponed the opening of the new Scotland Yard building in London.

West Australian time: 07:13. 23 March 2017