Friday, 1 November 2019

Official opening of the new Mukinbudin Nursing Post 1 November 2019

Mukinbudin Nursing Post-photographs taken by D.Quirke

The new Mukinbudin Nursing Post was officially opened by the Hon. Laurie William Graham M.L.C yesterday, on the 1st November 2019. Afternoon tea was provided by the Mukinbudin Boodie Rats. Guests included  Hon. Mia Jane Davies MLA, Gary Shadbolt (Shire Council President), Evelyn Comerford - Smith (retired Shire Council President), Romina Nicolletti, and Sandie Ventris (recent Deputy Shire President), Tayla Pillage, Jennifer Reid (WA Primary Health Alliance), Wendy Newman (Deputy chair of West Australian Health Services Board), Edward Nind, Ashley Walker, Callum Mc Glashum, Jo Randall (Health Service Manager of Kununoppin hospital),, Cath Kirby ( EWPH Community Health Nurse manager), Sue Copeland, (Community Health Nurse) Robbie Fagan (retired Mukinbudin Nursing Post RN), Jill Squire (past Mukinbudin Nursing Post RN), Jacinta Herbert (Manager Eastern Wheatbelt Primary Health), Dr Leena Bayly, and Christine Halston (Project Manager). While greater forces blasted the attendees with fierce winds, beneath a clouded sky, "Welcome to Country" was read by Jenny (female community leader) from Aboriginal Health in Merredin. Amongst the guests, power players from the Health Department, Jeffrey Moffet (Chief Executive WACHS) and Sean acted as trouble shooters. Almost nursing royalty, the doyennes of the wheatbelt nursing leadership included figures such as Suzanne Seeley (nurse lead  Southern Inland Health Initiative of Western Australia), who had also opened the upgraded Merredin hospital earlier in the day. 

 Deborah Lee Quirke (RN Mukinbudin Nursing Post).
(whose fondest memories include filling buckets of water for the school goat in swampy MereMere primary school during the school holidays).