Well, when I was ejected twice from two virtual nightclubs in Second life, and my digital avatar was propelled into the barren space of the universe, it was because my nipples were showing. After two hours in a sandbox trying to unpack my garments, I was allowed half a digital dance. I had been subjected to advertising from the 'Rapemaster' as well a graphic image from a pornographic site but I was ejected because my nipples were showing. Everything was covered; I was very polite, and I even avoided the particularly rude, sexist comments from male avatars making notecards calling out things like "Boobies!" . I was there to dance. I have been exploring auditory and visual landscapes. I have been doing back-flips in zero gravity and eating free chips. Yes...I got free chips. My modest, lace-covered nipples, however have disgraced me. Yet...Sodom and Gamor saturates the adult site. It is not real. This is virtuality. My little avatar can handle it. I've got friends at 'Wild Angels' in Second life. Keep your hands off.