Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Bright shallows...photograph of stromatolites.

I stood  between stone towers and stepped over deep emu prints on wind-rippled  white dunes today. I breathed in the air around a Stromatolite lake…I felt each one's  presence: strange particles that, before today, I never knew existed on our planet. They photosynthesise... they live...they have life.

Stromatolites are a geological and biological phenomenon. With no skeletal structure, the stony, bacterial  growths collapse at maturity, as seen in this photograph taken yesterday at Lake Thetis.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Walking on Blocks of Cheese...

I walked past a young boy trying to see behind the cheese in the "cheese-section" of a supermarket. He was kneeling on the giant blocks of cheddar cheese, inside the fridge, while his mother examined  her shopping list. As adults, we think we know what is behind the cheese, so we don't always see. 

Monday, 3 June 2013

Loaded vessels

After looking after patients on a spinal unit, recently, some of my life measurements were significantly altered. I realised that any personal  tears of frustration were indulgent, once I had discovered that I have measured my whole life by the wellness of the vessel that carried it. If I may call our bodies vessels, permit me to say that on that day, I was in the presence of two "perfect vessels"…one fat one and one with a rather extraordinary bee-hive hairdo. I was also in the presence of four damaged vessels, one who had lost the use of every limb,  and whose chest had been crushed in a car accident. Part of her mangled hand had been removed and she had a pacemaker implanted 16 weeks ago. In a few moments, she had lost her partner and, like her hand, someone's mother had her son torn from her invisible umbillical cord. She hadn't yet been home since her car accident, whle a life of tremendous  battles hadn't even begun. This was a "surviver-vessel". I was merely an insignificant little vessel that sometimes looked  for parking and a chair for my morning tea.